Iyengar yoga with Suzanne

Children and teenagers

Ensuring yoga is accessible to children is more vital today to counter stress and anxiety and poor postural habits.  It is a positive balance to those actively engaged in sport, including gymnastics and dance as well as suitable as an alternative for those who aren’t very physically active.

Yoga for children and teenagers helps improve posture and flexibility, strength, stamina, self confidence and concentration.

I have enjoyed teaching children since 2013 and teach a variety of classes during term time.  I teach in a local primary school from age seven and children and teenagers at Northfields Community Centre.

During the Covid pandemic in 2021 I was teaching as part of an initiative by Iyengar Yoga (UK) which offered free classes to teenagers taught by certified and experienced teachers.

See Classes for full details

Could yoga be the cure for teenage coronanxiety? It’s not such a stretch By Anna Magee

Teaching Yoga to Children: Suzanne Gribble

Children can start learning Iyengar yoga from age 6.  What’s it like to teach them?  London-based Junior Intermediate Level 2 teacher Suzanne Gribble talks about her experience:   “I’ve been teaching children for over four years and love it! I teach at a local primary school, currently two classes after school, with 12 – 14 … Continue readingTeaching Yoga to Children: Suzanne Gribble

Words Suzanne Gribble Photographs Mel Moss Photography